Parent Education Classes
I have developed a wide range of parent education classes.
In 2015 I was a guest speaker at the UnPlug and Play Conference in San Jose, CA. I present evening classes at local schools and churches. Please contact me if you are interested in arranging a talk for your organization. I can taylor the class for your specific group. My classes are interactive and have time for questions and answers.
Popular classes are:
Husband & Wife Now Mom & Dad: Yikes what happened to my marriage since the kids arrived?
Ever feel like your marriage has been overshadowed by your job as parents? Would you like to feel the special connection of being spouses again? This workshop will help you find new ways to tend first to the garden of your marriage. Healthy marriages grow healthy children.
Making Allowances: Teaching Children of All Ages Financial Responsibility
Whether you have preschoolers just learning about the concept of money, or teens who seem to always be asking for an advance on next week’s allowance, learn tips and approaches that can enrich your children’s sense of financial responsibility. Increase your comfort with their need for growing autonomy.
Giving your Child Wings: 5 Ways to Build Character in Your Child
Do you ever worry about how your children will manage when they leave your home? Our primary job as parents is to raise children who can fly from our nests and navigate in all kinds of weather. If we could reach into their futures and take away all the storms and provide them with sunny skies and cool breezes, we would. But life doesn’t work like that. Our children will encounter rough weather. Now is the time for them to build the confidence and character they will need to endure those hard times, as well as to appreciate and to value the good ones.
Family Meetings
Would you like a new way to manage family conflicts? Family meetings allow parents to help children and teenagers settle their differences, allocate chores, make family decisions, plan for upcoming activities, and show gratitude for each family member. Rather than arguing in the heat-of-the-moment, a family meeting provides a safe avenue for everyone to find new solutions to problems. Family meetings create stronger bonds in a family and foster a sense of team-work. This workshop is designed for parents of children ages 4 and older.
The Art of Teaching Self-Discipline to Children
Our goal is to nurture the spirit of self-discipline in our children. We as parents must do this in a spirit of love, rather than in anger or frustration. Today’s presentation will give you some tools to encourage responsible behavior in your children.