Maria Klein is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a practice in Los Altos, California.
Listen Hear
Strong listening skills are your key to becoming an inspirational leader, to building a cohesive team, to restoring relationships, and to making wise decisions. Give your communication skills a power boost by honing the art of listening.
In two 60-minute sessions we will cover:
Preparing to Listen
What is your challenge to listening? Understand the five common challenges to listening, and how they effect you. Pay attention to what is going on in your own mind while others are speaking. Learn tools for focusing on the speaker.
Listening for Content
Learn to listen purposefully to the content of the speaker’s spoken words. Content is the surface message being communicated. Find out if you are catching it all. Notice how your listening skills are affected by phone conversations and conference calls.
Listening for Meaning
Discern the underlying meaning by reflecting your subjective interpretation of the speaker’s words. Listening becomes a focused and purposeful action, rather than a pause in talking. Connection and respect grow when we understand the unspoken message.
Course Format
Experiential exercises practiced in session, and between sessions
Number of participants: 4-15
Two 60-minute classes. Flexibility with number of participants and time allotted.